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The President Office

        The President Office is the head quarters of the school’s Party Committee and administrative affairs. Its basic task is to serve the overall reform and development of the university, and to provide support for officials, faculty, students, and the multiple sections at all levels. In line with the overall deployment and agenda priorities, the offices major duties are specified as assisting its officials’ daily work, collecting information, coordinating the work between various sections, providing general service for research and teaching, publicizing information, receiving guests, handling paperwork and arranging meetings. All these measures are taken to ensure an effective operation and management of the university.


Contact Us:

Office: Villa A9

Office Hours: 8:30-17:00 (Monday to Friday)

Telephone: 024-89597688 

Email: sycubgs@163.com  

辽ICP备17002622号-1     辽ICP备17002622号-3
Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China