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School of Journalism and Communication

We focus on the application of information technology, the production of new media content and the cultivation of applied talents, helping the innovative development of media integration.

首页 > English > ABOUT SYCU > Departments > Schools > School of Journalism and Communication
  • 二.jpg School of Journalism and Communication is a co-construction unit between the Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee and Shenyang City University, an important base of Liaoning Province for “the Excellent News-communication Talents Training 2.0 plan with CPC Publicity Department and Education Ministry”, a “New Thinking-tank for Analysis on Big Data and Public Opinion” of Liaoning universities, a modern industry school of convergence media in Liaoning, a “big data and public opinion research base" of Shenyang Federation of Social Science, and a vice president unit of Shenyang Advertising Association.
  • 一.jpg With the development direction of “accelerating the development of media integration and building an all-media communication pattern” and the impetus of new technologies such as mobile internet, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, the college has four majors: Journalism, Communication, Network and New Media and Advertising. These four majors have formed a curriculum system and distinctive talent training mode covering the whole process of financial media content production, distribution and production and traffic realization.
  • 新传实训室合集(窄边).jpg The school has a high-level faculty composed of professors and doctors. More than 80% of the teachers have working experience in the media industry, and more than 50% of the teachers have senior journalists, senior editors and other titles. They are with solid theoretical foundation and rich practical experience. The school has professional situational practical teaching platforms such as Liaoning financial media experimental teaching demonstration center, Green Island Public Opinion Research Institute, KOL training room, online media training room, micro video creativity and production training room, E-sports operation laboratory and brand operation training room, which lays a solid foundation for students’ professional practical activities.
  • 四.jpg To provide guarantee for students' high-quality employment, the school has established off campus internship and employment bases with more than 100 financial media institutions and large e-commerce enterprises in China, such as Liaoning Broadcasting and Television Station, Sina Liaoning, Phoenix Liaoning, Tencent daliao.com, Tiktok Liaoning live Broadcast E-commerce Headquarters Base, Shenyang Broadcasting and Television Station, Shenyang Daily Media Group, Shenyang International Software Park.
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Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China