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Chinese Orchestra

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      The Chinese Orchestra cultivates students'skills of playing folk Musical Instruments, improves students'traditional cultural qualities, and cultivates their thoughts and sentiments. By mastering the playing methods and skills of ethnic Musical Instruments, students can understand the basic knowledge of music, deepen their understanding of traditional Chinese culture, and improve their aesthetic style. The course“Ethnic Musical Instrument Performance and Appreciation”is open to freshmen.

      The Chinese Orchestra uses guzheng, pipa, erhu, dulcimer, bamboo flute, xiao sheng, drums, liu-chin, suona and other traditional Chinese national Musical Instruments as the carriers, selects the Chinese traditional classics as the tracks, and have rehearsals in the forms of personal solo, group and team combination. Each student has a chance to learn one kind of musical instrument and play two songs. An art show will be held every semester.

  • 2.jpg   The Chinese Orchestra has multi-media classroom, golden rehearsal hall and multi-functional performance hall. It can undertake the teaching rehearsal task of 300 people. The classical performances of the Chinese Orchestra are “Fishing boat singing night”, “high mountain and flowing Water”, “Spring flower moonlight night”, “Cloud water zen heart”, “colorful clouds chasing the moon”, “spring dawn at Snow mountain”, “Fight with typhoon”, “Shan Dandan blossom red”.
  • 2019年民乐团参加校庆合奏《战台风》 - 副本.jpg   Dong Jianghua, the instructor of the Folk Orchestra, associate professor, graduated from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music with a master's degree, is currently the deputy director of the Aesthetic Education Teaching Department, a director of the Liaoning National Orchestra Society, the deputy secretary-general of the Guzheng Society of the Liaoning Musicians Association, and a national advanced worker in aesthetic education. In 2019, he won the first prize in the professional teacher group of the first Liaoning Province Guzheng Guqin Contest; in 2020, he won the Honorable Mention Award for Original Works at the Shengshi Huazheng International Music Festival and the second prize in the 6th Liaoning Province College Student Art Exhibition, Performance, Aesthetic Education Reform and Innovation Excellent Case Contest; In 2021, he won the first prize of ideological and political teaching in aesthetic education courses.

  Since its establishment, the Chinese Orchestra has won 9 national art performance competition awards, 17 provincial art performance competition awards and 1 Guinness World Record award. In 2019, it won the first prize in the 13th National Aesthetic Education Teaching Achievement Exhibition. In 2020, it won the second prize of Instrumental Music Group of National College Students Art Exhibition. In 2021, it won the first prize for instrumental ensemble in the 15th National Aesthetic Education Teaching Achievement Exhibition. The course “National Musical Instrument Performance and Appreciation” was rated as the first-class course in Liaoning Province. The Chinese Orchestra has been widely praised for participating in Liaoning Province's “Sports Aesthetic Education Infiltration Plan” and social public welfare performances.

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