
Dancing Troupe

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      The Dancing Troupe cultivates students'dance performance skills, improves students'artistic temperament and cultivates students'moral sentiment. By mastering dance performance methods and skills, students can understand the knowledge of dance art, deeply feel the charm of dance art and improve the aesthetic style. Dance Art Performance and Appreciation is open to freshmen.

      The dance troupe uses a variety of dance performances as a carrier, selects classic dance works as rehearsal items, and adopts individual solo dance, group cooperation, and team performance for rehearsal, so that each student has the opportunity to learn one kind of dance and perform two programs. According to their individual performance skills and team performance effects, students will be awarded 2 credits after passing the assessment which will be held once every semester.
  • W020220429779043057210.jpg  The Dancing Troupe has dance training halls, multimedia classrooms and multi-functional performance venues, which can undertake the teaching and rehearsal tasks of 200 students. The dances Beautiful Scenery, Flowers in the Rain, Dance to Song, Blooming, Dawn of Liao River, Embracing the Green Island and Pursuing are classic performances of the Dancing Troupe.   
  • IMG_4882 - 副本.JPG   Shi Yiming, the instructor of the Dancing Troupe,is a young dancer, graduated from the dance choreographer major of Jilin University of Arts and a member of Liaoning Dancers Association. He has won the excellent award at the 2014 College Students'Dance Art Festival, the first prize of the choreographer at the 13th National Aesthetic Education and Teaching Achievements Exhibition in 2019, the gold award of the youth group at the China Thailand Art Festival in 2019, the first prize of the excellent cases at the 14th National Aesthetic Education and Teaching Achievements Exhibition in 2020, the bronze award at the 1st College Original Dance Competition in Liaoning province in 2020, and the first prize of original dance works at the 6th College Students'Art Exhibition in Liaoning Province in 2020.

  Since its establishment, the Dancing Troupe has won 3 national art performance awards and 9 provincial art performance awards. Among them, he won the first prize at the 6th College Students’ Art Exhibition in Liaoning Province in 2020, the bronze prize at the 1st College Original Dance Competition in Liaoning Province in 2021, and the gold prize at the 19th National Youth Art Competition in the Liaoning competition area in 2021.

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