
Marching Band

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      Marching Band fosters students'playing skills of Western musical instruments, improves their performing level and cultivates their thoughts and sentiments. By mastering the performance methods and skills of wind music, students can understand the basic knowledge of music, appreciate the combination of strong and soft tone and magnificent expression of wind music, and improve the aesthetic style. The course“Wind Performance and Appreciation”is open to first-year students.

      Marching Band uses trumpet, trombone, tuba, flute, clarinet, saxophone, marching drums and other musical instruments as carriers, selects classic wind works for the music, and takes personal solo, group and team combination as the ways to play rehearsals. Each student has the chance to learn one kind of musical instrument and play two songs.
  • 777.jpg  Marching Band has indoor training hall, outdoor marching training ground and multi-functional symphony concert hall. It can undertake 300 teaching rehearsals every year. Classic repertoires of the Marching Band are “Ode to Joy”, “Spirited Away”, “Champion”, “Grateful Heart”, “My Country and ME”, “One Song”, “Song of the Young Pioneers”, “Go Forward”, “Row Your Boat”, “Jingle Bells” and the school song “I can, I Can”.
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      Jiang Wei, the instructor of the Marching Band, associate professor, graduated from Minzu University of China with a master's degree, is currently a director of the Liaoning Provincial Wind Music Society, a member of the China Marching Federation, and a member of the Chinese Musicians Association Wind Music Society. He was awarded the title of Outstanding Communist Party Member of Liaoning Province and Outstanding Teacher of Liaoning Province. In 2021, he won the first prize in the 6th Excellent Innovation Case of College Student Art Exhibition and Aesthetic Education Reform Contest, and the first prize of workshop category in Liaoning Province Art practice Contest .

      Zhang Yining, the instructor of the Marching Band, graduated from Xi'an Conservatory of Music with a master's degree, is a member of Liaoning Musicians Association. In 2018, he won the Gold Award in the Huayi New Star Youth Musical Instrument Competition; .

  Since its establishment, the Marching Band has won 10 national awards and 25 provincial awards of art exhibition competition. In 2019, it won the Gold Award of Shanghai Spring International Music Festival. In 2019, it won the title of“Excellent Marching Band”in the second Wind Art Exhibition in Northeast China. In 2021, it won the gold Medal of the fifth Tianjin Marching Art Grand Prix. In 2021, it won the Championship of Asian Marching drum League. It has participated“Physical beauty Infiltration Plan”in Liaoning Province and social welfare performances for many times, which have been widely praised by the society.

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