
Opera Troupe

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      The Opera Troupe cultivates students'singing ability, improves students’ performance level and cultivates students'ideology and sentiment. By mastering opera singing methods and skills, students can understand the basic knowledge and performance skills of opera art, deepen the understanding of western culture, and improve artistic cultivation and aesthetic style. Opera Art Performance and Appreciation is open to freshmen.

      The Opera Troupe takes multi repertoire performance as the carrier, selects the whole opera or opera fragments as the repertoire, and rehearses the repertoire in the unit of individual solo, group cooperation and team combination, so that each student has the opportunity to learn one kind of opera singing method and one opera fragment. An art exhibition is held once a semester. According to the individual performance level and team performance effect, 2 credits can be obtained after passing the examination.
  • 歌剧4_副本.jpg  The Opera Troupe has opera rehearsal halls, multimedia teaching rooms and multi-functional performance venues, which can undertake the teaching and rehearsal task of more than 300 students every year. Turandot, Camellia Girl, Peach Blossom in March, Matador, Embroidered Red Flag, Soybean and Peanuts are classic performances of the Opera Troupe.     
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      Cao Qinghe, the instructor of the Opera Troupe, graduated from Shenyang Conservatory of Music, was a former opera actor of the National Grand Theatre. He once successfully held a concert in Munich, Germany. He has won the excellence award at the Liaoning Golden Bell Award Vocal Music Competition in 2013,the first prize of vocal music group at the Chicago International Music Competition in 2016, and the finalist award at the Alcamo International Vocal Music Competition in Italy in 2017.

      Zhang Meizhu, the instructor of the Opera Troupe, graduated from Shenyang Conservatory of Music with a master’s degree and was a former actor of Beijing China Opera and Dance Theater. He won the first prize of the professional group at the 8th Liaoning College Students’ Vocal Music and Piano Competition in 2017, and the first prize at the 14th China Singapore International Music Competition in 2019.

  Since its establishment, the Opera Troupe has won 3 national awards and 8 provincial awards. It won the second prize of video exhibition and broadcasting for the celebration by the education system of Liaoning Province of the centennial of the founding of the party, the first prize of the 4th Liaoning Network Culture Festival in 2019, and the first prize in the 1st Online Singer Competition of Liaoning Province.

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Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China