
Peking Opera Troupe

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      Peking Opera Troupe cultivates students'performing arts of Peking Opera, improves students'traditional cultural literacy and cultivates students'moral sentiment. By mastering Peking Opera performance methods and singing skills, students can understand the theoretical knowledge of Peking Opera art, deepen their understanding of Chinese traditional culture, improve their aesthetic style and enhance their national pride. The course of Peking Opera Art Performance and Appreciation is open to freshmen.

      Taking multi role performance as the carrier, the Peking Opera Troupe selects classic plays and famous passages as rehearsal plays.Combined with the characteristics and sound quality of students,it rehearses by means of individual solo, group cooperation and team combination, so that each student can learn one singing and perform one role. A special performance of Peking Opera will be held every semester.
  • 4d5d528e8785408593ecfb0b1de3895.jpg  The Peking Opera Troupe has multi-media classrooms, a rehearsal hall of Xishan club and a multi-functional performance stage of Green Island lecture hall. Each semester can undertake the teaching and rehearsal tasks of more than 300 students. Lady General Mu Takes Command, The Case of Chen Shimei, Su-San Under Police Escort, Ode to the Pear Tree, The Red Lantern, Sanjiadian, Shajiabang and Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy are classic performances of the Peking Opera Troupe.   
  • 微信图片_20220429223618.jpg   Zhang Hanyu, the instructor of the Peking Opera Troupe, has a master’s degree, graduated from Shenyang Normal University, majoring in Drama Performance, and is a member of Shenyang Dramatist Association. He once participated in 100 touring performances of the national "intangible cultural heritage" and was rated as an excellent instructor of art exhibition and performance in Liaoning Province in 2019.    

  Since its establishment, the Peking Opera Troupe has won 5 national and 11 provincial art exhibition awards. He has won the excellent work award at the Liaoning TV’s New Year Gala in 2018, the gold award at the Bauhinia Talent Star Competition in 2019, the first prize at the 13th National Aesthetic Education Achievement Exhibition in 2020, the first prize of the aesthetic education reform case at the 6th College Students’ Art Exhibition in 2020, and the gold award at the Bauhinia Talent Star Competition in 2021.

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辽ICP备17002622号-1     辽ICP备17002622号-3
Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China