
West Hill Center

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  • 微信图片_20220510180645.jpg West Hill Center is located at the junction of Golden Chrysanthemum Community and Silver Birch Community. It is a food Square in the eyes of students. Wanhe kitchen, Teppanyaki, Fengyuan kitchen, Jiajiake nutrition package, covered rice, Mamali mixed chicken rack, Shengjing bowl noodles, Yunnan rice noodles, Chongqing noodles, Sichuan spicy hot pot and mashed potato covered rice. With the big brands joining in, the popularity becomes higher.
  • 1652426748(1).jpg Delicious fried chicken with mashed potatoes, unique flavor of Shenyang chicken rack, old-fashioned spicy hot, Sichuan fragrant boiled blood curd, hot-spicy pot, flavor Teppanyaki, noodles with minced pork, mellow beef noodles, Chicken pasta, marinated rice, covered rice, shredded cake, barbecue chilled noodles. Tasting such delicious food, you can always enjoy the taste of home in all parts of the world.
  • 西山吃饭_副本.jpg Dining in the West Hill Center, you can see the sparkling Green Island Lake outside the window, the swaying willows, the towering white birch, the delicious fragrance inside and the beautiful scenery outside.
辽ICP备17002622号-1     辽ICP备17002622号-3
Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China