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Psychological Counseling Center

It has been more than ten years since the establishment of the Psychological Counseling Center of Shenyang City University in 2012. Shenyang City University attaches great importance to the development of mental health education, and a crisis intervention team organized by the school leaders was set up at the beginning of the construction of the Center to set up a major crisis event intervention process. At present, it has formed a vertical and horizontal five-level grid mental health education and counseling service management system, with the horizontal as the University, the Student Office, the School, class teacher, and class psychological member, and the vertical as the School, the Student Office, community, floor leader, and dormitory head.

   The Psychological Counseling Center of Shenyang City University focuses on the research of positive psychology system, and has set up the Green Island Happiness Psychological Research Center. There have been nine scientific research projects on happiness, nearly 200 health lectures in positive psychology, and more than 1000 consultants with positive mental health as the main therapies. The Psychological Counseling Center covers an area of nearly 1,000 square meters. The Green Island Happiness Psychological Research Center and the Crystal Library have two individual psychological counseling rooms and one group counseling room. The economic management building is equipped with a Psychological Evaluation Center that can accommodate 35 people at the same time. In addition, six communities and seven Schools have secondary psychological counseling stations. Every year, each School organizes a unique series of 5.25 activities, which allow students to further understand the knowledge of mental health, the importance of mental health, especially the great role of positive psychology in people and emotion. At present, the Center has 3 full-time counselors and 26 part-time counselors, and the part-time counselors are from School and the community instructors.

   The counseling of the Shenyang City University is completely implemented according to the ethical norms of psychological counseling. Students need to make appointments in advance, and the corresponding teachers are arranged according to the appointment. The needs of students’ mental health education and psychological counseling can always be met.

        Service Information:

        Consulting Time: 8:30-20:30

        Consulting QQ Group: 692155988

        Consulting telephone: 024-89597626


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Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China