
Track Club

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      The track club cultivates students' indomitable sports spirit, hard-working will quality and persistent sports habits. Students will understand the basic knowledge of track sports, be familiar with competition rules and referee methods, and master the basic skills of track and field sports by participating in activities, trainings and competitions in one academic year. After passing the examination, they get 2 credits.

      The club carries forward the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher and stronger". It is committed to individualizing teaching contents, diversifying teaching forms, paying attention to interest guidance, carrying out group teaching and graded assessment, so that students can have fun in activities, improve ability in trainings and gain friendship in competitions.
  • 田径222.jpg   The track club has 20 ordinary teaching teams and 3 high-level sports teams, which can undertake the training task of 260 people every year. The club has a standard 8-track plastic track field and a 2000-people stand. They provide guarantee for the activities, trainings and competitions of the track club. The annual sports carnival and Green Island Lake Marathon are the university's track sports event.
  • 田径3.jpg   Guo Zihai, the instructor of Athletics Club, is an associate professor with a master's degree. He graduated from China University of Mining and Technology and is a national first-class athlete. He is currently the vice chairman of Shenyang Marathon Association. He has won the first place in Nanning International 10 km Half Marathon, Xi'an City Wall 10 km Marathon, Zhengzhou International Half Marathon and the fourth place in Shanghai International Half Marathon.

  Since establishment, the track club has participated in international and domestic competitions for many times. It won the sixth place in Dalian International Marathon Relay in 2015, the first place in northeast area of China University Road Race Relay in 2017, the first place in Shenyang area of Urban Orienteering Challenge in 2019, the second place in Shenyang station of National League Half Distance Relay of in 2019, the ninth place of the total group score in Track Competition of Colleges and Universities in Liaoning Province in 2019, the third place in Dangshan Marathon in 2021, and the first place in the total group score of Shenyang University Games.

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辽ICP备17002622号-1     辽ICP备17002622号-3
Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China