
Martial Arts Club

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      Martial Arts Club cultivates students' brave and strong will, self-improvement national spirit and persistent sports habits. Students can understand the basic knowledge of Chinese martial arts, be familiar with competition rules and referee methods, master the basic skills of Chinese martial arts through one-year activities, trainings and competitions. After passing the examination, they get 2 credits.

      The club adheres to the fine tradition of "advocating martial morality" of Chinese martial arts, pays attention to the ideological and moral education of students with Chinese traditional culture, and achieves "double cultivation of morality and art". Taking boxing, stick, knife, sword, fan and other items as the carrier, the club pays attention to interest guidance and carrys out group teaching and graded assessment. Through all these, students can have fun in activities, improve ability in trainings and gain friendship in competitions.
  • 武术2222最终版副本.jpg   The martial arts club has 40 ordinary teaching teams and 5 high-level sports teams, which can undertake the training task of 300 people per academic year. The martial arts club has many indoor and outdoor training venues. At the same time, the unique landscape of the campus provides a natural environment and conditions for martial arts, and meets the needs of students' diversified activities, trainings and competitions.
  • 武术3.jpg   Xiang Jinxing, the instructor of the martial arts club, is an associate professor and a doctoral student. Graduated from Shenyang Sport University, he is a member of China Martial Arts Association, a fifth-level of martial arts, a C-class coach of Dragon and Lion sports, and a national first-class social sports instructor. He has published more than 20 papers, including 2 CSSCI papers and presided over 6 projects above the provincial level.

  Since establishment, the martial arts club has participated in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times. It won the third prize of Liaoning College Students'Martial Arts Competition in 2017, the second prize of Liaoning Fitness Qigong Competition in 2018, the first individual prize of Shenyang International Martial Arts Championship in 2018, the third group prize of Shenyang College Students'Martial Arts Championship in 2019 and the first individual prize of many items in the same competition.

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Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China