

This is a first-class undergraduate major in Liaoning Province, aiming at enterprise management, financial services, tax management, etc., cultivates senior business management talents.




  • Degree:Management Degree
  • Study mode:Full-time
  • Duration:4 years
  • Belong to:School of Business

Specialty Field:

This is a first-class undergraduate major in Liaoning Province aiming at business management, financial services, tax management and other fields, and cultivates senior talents to master economic management, accounting standards, data technology, etc., with accounting, financial management, auditing and authentication capabilities etc.

Specialty Features:

  • This major is characterized by the professional situational talent training mode with the post as the core, combining research results with teaching. Students need to complete disciplinary works in this major, and cultivate high-quality accounting professionals through immersive experience, group cooperation, etc.
  • This major sets up CPA, business data application, intelligent accounting system, etc., and cooperates with the University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Sheffield, Liverpool John Moores University, etc., provides pre-master courses to cultivate high-level talents.
  • The college relies on the cloud platform to share the experimental training center, finance and taxation integration laboratory, enterprise operation laboratory, V-CASE financial management training room, etc., cooperates with Dahua Certified Public Accountants, Liaoning Zhongzhun Certified Public Accountants, and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Company, Xindao Technology Co., Ltd., Kingdee International Software Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Chinasoft International Information Technology Co., Ltd., Jindao Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and other enterprises, builds high-quality teaching platforms.

Entry Requirements

  • Students need to take the national college entrance examination, and their scores should pass the provincial undergraduate admission score basic line, and higher scores will be preferred.


  • Year 1

    • Management
    • Financial Accounting
    • Management Accounting
    • Cost Management Accounting
    • Digital Management Accounting
  • Year 2

    • Financial Shared Service
    • Financial Analysis and Forecasting
    • Enterprise Finance and Accounting Robot Application
    • Financial Management
    • Audit and Assurance
  • Year 3

    • Asset valuation
    • Securities investment and Futures
    • Excel Financial Intelligence Analysis
    • Tableau Visualization Technology
    • Deep Big Data Business Application
  • Year 4

    • Graduation Internship
    • Graduation Project

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

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    Accounting Ability

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    Financial Management Ability

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    Audit Verification Ability

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    Digital Technology Application Ability



After graduation, students can engage in accounting, financial management, audit and assurance, tax planning and other work in government agencies, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions, or choose to start their own businesses and enter domestic and foreign colleges to study for master's degrees in related majors.


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Contact us

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