
Major in Applied Psychology

To train high-quality professionals in the field of mental health counseling services.

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Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Science
  • Course Type:full-time
  • Duration of Study:four years
  • Belong to:School of Information
            and Health Management
专业简介 摄图网_302435367_医务工作者团队形象(企业商用)_副本.jpg

Specialty Field:

As a member of Children business working committee of China, vice chairman of the unit facing mental health consulting services, it is to train high-quality specialized personnel mastering knowledge and skills of psychology, behavior, pedagogy, modern information technology, with the ability in psychological assessment and counseling, psychological intervention and behavior correction, psychological quality training, psychological counseling and health service, etc.

Specialty Features:

  • Featured by the vocational contextual talent training mode centered on the formation of post ability, it cultivates psychological professionals through practical teaching forms such as immersive experience, embedded training and group cooperative learning.
  • This major offers mental health, behavioral intervention and counseling services, and cooperates with the University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Sheffield, and University of Leeds, etc. in preparatory master causes to provide strong support for the training of high-level talents.
  • Relying on the university personalized health management medical production base, child development center, green island children "psychological +" psychological research institute, psychological evaluation laboratory, behavior observation room, psychological counseling room, in vitro testing laboratory, comprehensive laboratory, etc., it jointly cooperates with Children business working committee of China, Liaoning psychological counseling industry association, Yi psychology, Ancare psychology and other institutions to build high-quality internship employment platform for students.


  • Students shall participate in the national college entrance examination and the college entrance examination results shall pass the provincial undergraduate score line. Students with outstanding college entrance examination results will be admitted.


  • The first academic year

    • Major introduction
    • General psychology
    • Child development psychology
    • Psychological quality expansion
    • Psychological counseling
    • Psychological measurement
  • The second academic year

    • Psychology history
    • Experimental psychology
    • Preschool mental health education
    • Psychological statistics
    • SPSS application
    • Personality psychology
  • The third academic year

    • Cognitive psychology
    • Children's sensory integration training
    • Color psychology
    • Shaping and correction of children's behavior
    • Curriculum design of children's mental health
    • Group psychological counseling
  • The fourth academic year

    • Professional internship
    • Graduation design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

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    Psychological assessment and counseling ability

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    Psychological intervention and behavior correction ability

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    Psychological quality development training ability

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    Psychological counseling and health service ability



Students after graduation can be in the clinical hospital, medical research, medical testing, disease prevention and control and health services, engaged in psychological evaluation and counseling, psychological intervention and behavior correction, psychological quality training, psychological counseling and health services, or choose self-employment, at domestic and foreign university study related professional master's degree.


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