
Art and Technology

This major strives on cultivating senior professionals of artistic creation in the fields of culture and entertainment, film and television, and online media, etc.

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Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Engineering
  • Course Type:Full-time
  • Duration of Study:Four years
  • Belong to:School of Television and Media

Specialty Field:

This major strives on cultivating senior professionals of artistic creation in the fields of culture and entertainment, film and television, and online media, etc.

Specialty Features:

  • Based on the educational philosophy of “Professional Situational Teaching, Competency-Centered Education”, it cultivates music singing and composing professionals by adopting diversified practical teaching forms, such as immersive experience, embedded training, and collaborative learning.
  • This major offers special course modules such as Sielius computer music notation, MIDI music production, etc., and provides pre-master courses in cooperation with University of Birmingham, University of Leeds, University of Birmingham, and University of Edinburgh. All the courses are aimed at providing strong support for the cultivation of high-level talents.
  • Relying on the provincial all-media communication center, Green Island Films, music performance laboratory, music mixing laboratory, music editing laboratory, digital music production laboratory, etc., this major establishes various on-campus practice teaching platforms. In conjunction with QQ Music, NetEase Cloud Music, Baina Music, Kugou Music, it also builds many off-campus practice teaching bases and high-quality internship platforms for students.


  • Students can take part in the national college entrance examination, with the results passing the provincial control line of art admission. The admission is based on the college entrance examination results.
  • Students can also participate in the unified examination in art majors organized by respective province. The admission is based on the results of unified examination in art majors.


  • First Year

    • Harmony
    • Keyboard Playing
    • Keyboard Harmony
    • Composition
    • Pop and Electronic Music Orchestration
    • Cubase Computer Music Workstation Application
  • Second Year

    • Silelius Computer Music Notation
    • Theoretical Basis of Composition
    • Protools Digital Audio Software Application
    • Film and Television Music Fundamentals
    • Computer MIDI Music Production
    • Music Recording and Mixing
  • Third Year

    • Audio-visual Language
    • Appreciation of Classic Pop Music Works
    • Visual Media Sound Design
    • Music Design and Production Practice
    • Singer-Composer’s Creative Practice
    • Commercial Record Production Practice
  • Fourth Year

    • Specialty Practice
    • Graduation Design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

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    Music Performance

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    MIDI Music Production

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    Music Creative Design

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    Digital Technology Application



After graduation, students can engage in music creation, music performance, computer music creation, etc. in the fields of culture and entertainment, film and television, network media, etc., or choose to start their own businesses and further their study in universities at home and abroad for a master’s degree.


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