
Broadcasting and Hosting Art

Cultivate high-quality language communication professionals in the fields of intelligent oral communication, film and television dubbing, convergence media content production.

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Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Arts
  • Course Type:Full-time
  • Duration of Study:Four Years
  • Belong to:School of Television and Media

Specialty Field:

This major is a school level characteristic major, which is oriented to the fields of intelligent oral communication, film and television dubbing, convergence media content production. It cultivates high-quality language communication professionals who master the knowledge and skills of oral communication, on-site hosting, film and television sound shaping, and have the abilities of language communication, integrated media content production, film and television dubbing, event planning and ho...

Specialty Features:

  • It aims to cultivate practical abilities of livelihood program hosting and dubbing professionals by implementing situational training mode and various teaching activities including immersive learning, order training and group cooperative learning.
  • This major offers courses such as convergence media information, radio dramas, film and television dubbing and E-commerce live broadcasting, and sets up characteristic course modules such as program planning and hosting, film and television sound shaping and convergence media content production; it cooperates with the University of Birmingham, the University of Leeds, the University of Nottingham and the University of Edinburgh to set up pre-master courses, so as to provide strong support for the cultivation of high-level talents.
  • Relying on the school’s provincial all-media communication center, Green Island TV Station, Green Island Film, news and information laboratory, radio dubbing training room, convergence media laboratory, etc.,and jointly with Himalayan App, Aiyinstan App, Zhejiang TV, Mango TV, Liaoshi TV, Huayi Brothers, Light Media and other film and television media institutions, to build a high-quality practical teaching platform.


  • Candidates need to take the national college entrance examination, with scores passing the undergraduate admission score basic line for art category.
  • Candidates need to participate in the unified examination of corresponding art majors organized by the examinee’s province. Adhering to admission principle of art major regulated in individual province, admission is based on college entrance examination results.


  • First year

    • Broadcasting Phonics
    • Audition Digital Audio Software Application
    • Convergence Media Planning and Communication
    • Information Acquisition and Production of Media Convergence
    • Broadcast and Hosting Production
    • Livelihood News Broadcast
  • Second Year

    • Performance of Literary Works
    • Sunur Virtual Studio Technology
    • Digital Oral Communication
    • New Media Creativity and Operation
    • Planning and Hosting of Livelihood Programs
    • Convergence Media Audio-visual Program Production
  • Third Year

    • News Commentary
    • Film and Television Dubbing Art
    • Advertising Dubbing Production
    • Host Language Art
    • Planning and Hosting of People’s Livelihood Interview Program
    • Application of ProTools Digital Audio Software
  • Fourth Year

    • Specialty Practice
    • Graduation Design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

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    Planning and Hosting Ability for People’s Livelihood Program

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    Convergence Media Audio-visual Program Production Ability

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    Film and Television Dubbing Ability

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    Oral Communication Ability



After graduation, students can be engaged in broadcasting and hosting, program planning and implementation, creative production of audio-visual cultural products, webcast and other work in the fields of radio and television, press and publication, network new media, film and television production, etc. They can also choose to start their own businesses or enter domestic and foreign universities to study for a master’s degree in this related major.


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