
Chinese Language and Literature

To train senior professionals in Chinese language and literature in the fields of cultural communication and language application education.

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Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Arts
  • Course Type:Full-time
  • Duration of Study:4 years
  • Belong to:School of Language and Culture

Specialty Field:

This major is a first-class undergraduate major in Liaoning Province. It aims at cultivating high-quality applied talents who master knowledge and skills of Chinese language and literature, pedagogy, communication and management, and are capable of language expression and application, Chinese teaching and office affairs management in the fields of cultural communication and language application education.

Specialty Features:

  • It is characterized by the vocational situational talent training mode with the post ability formation as the core, and cultivates Chinese language and literature professionals through immersive experience, embedded training, group cooperative learning and other practical teaching forms.
  • The major has featured courses such as mass communication, literary Writing, audiovisual language and public relations. It cooperates with the University of Manchester, The University of Bristol, the University of Sheffield and Liverpool John Moores University to offer pre-master courses, providing strong support for the cultivation of high-level talents.
  • Relying on the provincial colleges and universities collaborative innovation center, provincial key laboratory of philosophical and social sciences, provincial cultural innovation and communication research center, newspaper editorial training rooms, etc., it build a high-quality internship and employment platform for students combined Liaoning college of liberal arts, Liaoning provincial museum, literal federation of Liaoning province, Liaoning publishing group, New Oriental education group, Shenyang newspaper group and other enterprises and institutions to establish campus practice teaching bases.


  • Students need to take the national college entrance examination, and their scores should pass the provincial undergraduate admission score basic line, and higher scores will be preferred.


  • Year 1

      In order to cultivate students’ practical ability, the professional courses of this major are pre-arranged, and 20 credits of professional courses are required in the freshman year.

    • Professional introduction
    • Brand transmission of Chinese culture
    • Transmission theory and practice
    • New media content production and editing
    • Literary theory
    • Application of multimedia teaching technology
  • Year 2

      Focus on cultivating students’ ability of office management, document writing and cultural propaganda.

    • Dissemination of Chinese cultural creativity
    • Document writing and processing
    • Public relations practice
    • News reporting and writing
    • Office Management
    • Cultural creative planning
  • Year 3

      Focus on cultivating students’ Chinese teaching ability and cultural creativity and brand communication ability.

    • Chinese curriculum design and evaluation
    • Cultural brand communication
    • Literature Classics and perspective of hot spots
    • Liaohe Culture and creative practice
    • Advertising plan creation and writing
    • Literary appreciation and criticism
  • Year 4

      Rely on leading units in the industry to carry out off-campus internships, and create personalized employment programs for students.

    • Specialty Practice
    • Graduation Design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

  • 汉语言文学--文化交流与传播能力.jpg

    Ability of cultural communication and dissemination

  • 汉语言-语言文字表达能力.jpg

    Language application ability

  • 汉语言-语言教学能力.jpg

    Chinese teaching ability

  • 汉语言-办公室事务管理能力.jpg

    Office management ability



After graduation, students can choose to work in government agencies, press and publication, culture and education, enterprises and public institutions and engage in cultural communication, brand promotion, Chinese teaching, office affairs management, or choose to start their own business, enter universities at home and abroad to study for a master’s degree in related fields.


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