
Construction Environment and Energy Application Engineering

This is a first-class undergraduate major in Liaoning Province,aiming at construction environment,energy engineering,intelligent technology application and other fields,cultivating high-quality engineering and technical talents.

首页>English>FACULTY>Construction Environment and Energy Application Engineering


Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Engineering degree
  • Course Type:Full-time
  • Duration of Study:four years
  • Belong to:School of Architecture and Engineering

Specialty Field:

This major is a first-class undergraduate major in Liaoning Province and a member of the “Competition and Education Practice School” unit under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.Facing construction environment,energy engineering,intelligent technology application,etc.,we cultivate high-quality engineering and technical personnel to master intelligent construction,construction energy management,etc.,with construction energy saving and energy planning,HVAC system engineering...

Specialty Features:

  • This major is characterized by the professional situational talent training mode with the post as the core,combining research results with teaching.Students need to complete disciplinary works in this major,and cultivate innovative thinking and engineering practice through immersive experience,group cooperation,etc.
  • This major sets up intelligent control,digital construction,BIM technology,etc.,cooperates with the University of Manchester,University of Bristol,University of Sheffield,University of Leeds,etc.,and provides pre-master courses for high-level talents.
  • The school relies on the Green Island BIM Engineering Center,Green Island Environmental Resources Research Institute,Architectural Anatomy Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Center,Shenyang Humanoid Robot Key Laboratory,Construction Intelligent Laboratory, etc.,and cooperates with China Northeast Architecture Design and Research Institute,China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Sixth Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd.,China 22nd Metallurgical Group Co.,Ltd.,China Railway 21st Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.,Hong Kong Interconnect Cube Co.,Ltd.and other construction companies,establishes off-campus practice teaching bases,builds internship and employment platform for students.


  • Students need to take the national school entrance examination,and their scores should pass the provincial undergraduate admission score basic line,and higher scores will be preferred.


  • First year

    • Introduction to Digital Construction
    • Housing Architecture
    • Architectural Engineering Drawing
    • BIM Technology Foundation
  • Second Year

    • Mechanical Design Fundamentals
    • Engineering Thermodynamics
    • Heat Transfer
    • Construction Energy Efficiency
    • IOT and Sensing Technology
    • Fluid Mechanics
  • Third Year

    • HVAC Operation and Maintenance
    • Equipment Installation and Construction Technology
    • Construction Equipment Automation System
    • Construction Intelligence Technology
    • Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology
  • Fourth Year

    • Graduation Internship
    • Graduation Project

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

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    Construction energy efficiency and energy planning

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    HVAC system engineering design

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    Engineering construction and intelligent operation and maintenance

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    BBIM technology application



After graduation,students can engage in construction electrical engineering project design,engineering construction and management, equipment installation and operation and maintenance,engineering technical support and other work in construction units,design institutions and construction enterprises,start their own business,or enter domestic and foreign universities for master degrees in related majors.


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