
Film Production

Cultivate senior professionals of film and television technology for film and television, media organizations, network media and other fields.

首页>English>FACULTY>Film production


Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Engineering
  • Course Type:Full-time
  • Duration of Study:Four years
  • Belong to:School of Television and Media

Specialty Field:

This major serves the development of China’s digital film and television industry in the future. It aims to cultivate senior professionals in film and television technology with the knowledge and skills of artificial intelligence, creative art, and audio-visual language, who are familiar with the DIT workflow of film and television, and have the capabilities of digital virtual shooting, AI visual research and development, 3D special effects production, XR interactive design, and digital pain...

Specialty Features:

  • It is characterized by the vocational situational talent training mode with the core of post ability formation, and cultivates film production professionals through immersive experience, embedded training, group cooperative learning and other practical teaching forms.
  • This major has course studios, such as, 360° LED photography, the motion capture, the stop motion animation, and digital matte painting. It sets up the characteristic course modules like digital virtual photography, 3d special effects production, and film synthesis. It also cooperates with the University of Birmingham, the University of Leeds, University of Nottingham, and Edinburgh University to set master’s preparatory courses so as to provide strong support for training high-level talents.
  • It sets up excellent practice teaching platform relying on school digital film industrial park, green island films, film and television special effects, film and television animation LABS, AI digital application laboratory, and XR interaction design laboratory, and cooperates with enterprises both at home and abroad , such as Huayi brothers, Ali pictures, Hengdian studios, Oriental film kingdom, industrial light &magic and digital Kingdom.


  • Students need to take the national college entrance examination, and their scores should pass the provincial undergraduate admission score basic line, and higher scores will be preferred.


  • First Year

    • New media creative thinking
    • Digital film and television photography
    • Matte Painting digital landscapes
    • Audio-visual language
    • After Effects Digital Effects
    • Fundamentals of Python programs
  • Second Year

    • DaVinci digital color correction
    • MAYA Animation
    • CG material performance
    • Video virtual technology
    • 3DS MAX modeling software application
    • Nuke film synthesis
  • Third Year

    • Film and television packaging production
    • Special effects technology and skills
    • Houdini Dynamics Technology
    • Zbrush digital sculpture
    • VFX special effects
    • VFX special effects
  • Fourth Year

    • Specialty Practice
    • Graduation Design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

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    Ability to create digital assets

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    Film and television virtual synthesis ability

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    Digital shooting capability

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    Special effects production ability



After graduation, students can be engaged in film and television virtual shooting, 3D special effects production, digital asset creation and other work in film and television, media organizations, online media and other fields, or choose to start their own business or enter domestic and foreign universities to study for master degree in related fields.


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