
Human Resource Management

This major strives on cultivating high-quality professionals in the field of human resources.

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Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Engineering
  • Course Type:Full-time
  • Duration of Study:Four years
  • Belong to:Green Island School of Hotel Management

Specialty Field:

This major is a school-level characteristic major, which is oriented to the field of human resources. It cultivates high-quality professionals who master knowledge and skills of labor economy, business management, digital technology, etc., and have the abilities of human resources development, organization and motivation, and team and leadership building.

Specialty Features:

  • Based on the educational philosophy of “Professional Situational Teaching, Competency-Centered Education”, it cultivates senior HR management professionals by adopting diversified practical teaching forms, such as immersive experience, embedded training, and collaborative learning.
  • This major offers special course modules such as organization and culture, team and leadership, development and incentive, etc., and provides pre-master courses in cooperation with University of Surrey, Leeds Beckett University, Sheffield Hallam University, and Manchester Metropolitan University. All the courses are aimed at providing strong support for the cultivation of high-level talents.
  • Relying on Green Island Team and Leadership Institute, Psychological Assessment Laboratory, Behavior Observation Laboratory, etc., this major establishes various on-campus practice teaching platforms. Cooperating with Dalian Human Resources Service Industrial Park, Neusoft Group Co., Ltd., China Resources Group Co., Ltd., recruitment gateway website of Zhaopin and 51job, Longfor Real Estate Co., Ltd., China Poly Group Co., Ltd., Beijing FESCO Adecco Human Resources Service Co., Ltd., Northeast Yiming Talent Service Co., Ltd., etc., it also builds many off-campus practice teaching bases and high-quality internship platforms for students.


  • Students must take part in the national college entrance examination, with the results passing the provincial control line of undergraduate admission. The admission is based on the college entrance examination results.


  • First Year

    • Research and Development of Leadership Training System
    • Staff Training and Development
    • Talent Incentive and Salary Management
    • Work Analysis
    • HRBP Skill Application
    • Corporate Financial Management
  • Second Year

    • Enterprise Culture Construction
    • Brand Planning and Promotion
    • New Media Communication
    • Management Simulation
    • Market Research and Analysis
    • Personnel Quality Assessment
  • Third Year

    • HR Strategy and Planning
    • Organization Design and Development
    • Corporate Strategic Management
    • Management Communication
    • HR Recruitment and Hiring
    • Labor Relations and Labor Law
  • Fourth Year

    • Specialty Practice
    • Graduation Design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

  • 摄图网_300009357_banner_公司,成功队合作的快乐的商业队办公室下面获得高五商界人士办公室里赚了五英镑(企业商用)_副本.jpg

    Human Resource Development

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    Organization and Motivation

  • 摄图网_500818507_banner_人力资源信息库(企业商用)_副本.jpg

    Team and Leadership Building

  • 摄图网_300279375_banner_用创新技术女商人虚拟屏幕上按下图标的手(企业商用)_副本.jpg

    Digital Technology Application



After graduation, students can engage in human resource development, recruitment and training, performance and salary, team and leadership construction in government agencies, enterprises and institutions, consulting services and other institutions, or choose to start their own businesses and further their study in universities at home and abroad for a master’s degree.


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