
Major in Intelligent Medical Engineering

Cultivate senior medical engineering and technical personnel in the fields of intelligent medicine, AI medical diagnosis and medical digital technical services.

首页>English>FACULTY>Intelligent Medical Engineering


Intro of Faculty

  • Degree:Bachelor of Engineering
  • Course Type:full-time
  • Duration of Study:four years
  • Belong to:School of Information
            and Health Management

Specialty Field:

This major facing intelligent medicine, AI medical diagnosis, medical digital technology services, and other fields is to cultivate senior medical engineering and technical personnel mastering knowledge and skills of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, virtual reality, computer science, etc., with the ability in medical data modeling and analysis, medical image intelligent identification and diagnosis, medical software development and application, medical digital technology application ...

Specialty Features:

  • Featured by a vocational contextual talent training mode centered on the formation of post ability, it cultivates intelligent medical engineering professionals by adopting practical teaching forms such as immersive experience, embedded training and group cooperative learning.
  • This major offers intelligent medicine, medical engineering and digital technology and other featured modules, and cooperates with the University of Manchester, University of Bristol, University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, etc. in preparatory master courses to provide strong support for the training of high-level talents.
  • Relying on the university personalized health management medical base, genetic testing center, children development center, medical imaging center, wearable medical sensing technology research center, in vitro testing laboratory, molecular testing laboratory, comprehensive laboratory department, and other departments and institutions, it provides students to participate in medical big data analysis, intelligent diagnosis and treatment, intelligent inspection, intelligent rehabilitation, medical image processing project with a high-quality experimental training platform.


  • Students shall participate in the national college entrance examination and the college entrance examination results shall pass the provincial undergraduate score line. Students with outstanding college entrance examination results will be admitted.


  • The first academic year

    • Brain science and brain-like machine Learning
    • Introduction to artificial intelligence
    • Deep learning
    • Machine learning
    • Medical statistical analysis and clinical decision-making support
    • Natural language processing
  • The second academic year

    • Imaging diagnostics and intelligent Imaging Group
    • C Language and data structure
    • Application of intelligent medical engineering
    • Intelligent medical image processing
    • Medical big data and data mining
    • Medical image 3-D reconstruction
  • The third academic year

    • Intelligent medical electronic technology
    • Intelligent medical robot system
    • Virtual reality technology and human-computer interaction
    • Intelligent wearable devices
    • Medical signal analysis and processing
    • Intelligent control theory
  • The fourth academic year

    • Professional internship
    • Graduation design

Ability Cultivation

The graduates from this specialty are expected to have the following core competences

  • 摄图网_500664778_医疗(企业商用).jpg

    Intelligent analysis ability of medical big data

  • 摄图网_402014449_科技医疗(企业商用).jpg

    Intelligent identification and diagnosis ability of medical images

  • 摄图网_500796887_互联网医疗分析(企业商用).jpg

    Medical software development and application capability

  • 摄图网_500717342_虚拟在线医疗(企业商用).jpg

    Digital technology application capability



After graduation, students can engage in intelligent testing, medical image processing, medical big data analysis and other work in clinical hospitals, medical research, disease prevention and control and health services, and medical testing institutions, or choose to start their own business and study for a master's degree in universities at home and abroad.


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