首页 > English > STUDENT LIFE > Health & Care

        The Clinic is located on the second floor of the supermarket in the first phase of the Chinese Parasol Community Service Center, with an area of about 150 square meters. There are two school doctors with national medical qualifications and rich experience in clinical treatment and student health care. Based on the purpose of serving students and teachers, it takes “protecting the health of teachers and students” as the service purpose, and provides high-quality and convenient diagnosis and treatment services for them.

        The Clinic is responsible for daily monitoring the health status of teachers and students, carrying out health education, preventing and controlling common and infectious diseases in the school, and implementing medical supervision on harmful factors affecting the health of the school population. The Clinic is equipped with common and first-aid drugs produced by regular manufacturers and purchased through regular channels, such as medicines for colds and fevers, gastrointestinal diseases, and wound treatment, etc., to ensure the initial diagnosis, treatment and temporary disposal of the most basic diseases of students and teachers.

        All students and teachers can go to the Clinic for disease diagnosis and treatment, and drug purchase. Special cases can be communicated by phone and doctors will deal with them on site.

        Service Information:

        Service Hours: 8:00-20:00

        Visiting Doctor: Dr. Yu   Contact: 13700024520

        Night Doctor: Dr. Ji      Contact: 13840100498



辽ICP备17002622号-1     辽ICP备17002622号-3
Address: No. 2 Wutong Street, Sujiatun District, Shenyang, China